Watch Live coverage as USA votes for its next president

Just to show a snippet and demonstrate to Filipinos in the country how elections is being held in the USA, we are sharing these various media online coverage.

Many Filipino-Americans have invested interest on the elections. First time that many Americans of Asian origin showed active participation in the democratic process of electing the next American leader to the oval office, their vote will help elect that next leader.

So here, sharing online coverage of some US media networks to effectively desiminate the coverage, proceedings, and outcome of the elections.

This should also serve as a learning experience for Filipinos hereabout.

ABC election coverage

ABC Breaking News | Latest News Videos

Full PBS NewsHour Election Day Coverage 2016

Decision 2016: Election Night LIVE November 8, 2016 6:30 PM EST | NBC News

MTV News | Election 2016 | The People’s Playhouse

RT Election 2016 coverage

CBC Election DAy 2016 coverage

The Young Turks Election Day Coverage 2016

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