This is how Casureco II electric bill looks like


Just looking into the details of a Casureco II power bill is a pain in the spine.

Casureco II is the coop retailer of electricity covering the franchise area in the towns of Minalabac, Canaman, Tinambac, Siruma, Pili, Bombon, Magarao, Milaor, Calabanga and Naga City, all in the province of Camarines Sur.

Notice how the cooperative pass on to consumers all the costs of its operations, making the cooperative virtually guaranteed of profit. System loss, thefts and inefficiency of the management virtually wiped, thanks to the non-complaining coop members.

Poor consumers, paying the bill late beyond the grace period receives an onerous penalty of 10 per cent!

But while the reason for existence of the Casureco II is by being a cooperative, it is really more of a business entity for profit taking.

Ideally, member-consumers are represented by its district director through election. Just the same, the helpless consumers can look up to no one for support or voice out their sad plight.

In the evening, between six to eight, there is a routine few seconds of unscheduled power interruption that surely has put home appliances out of service. Whom shall they report or complain to? Maybe, to President Rodrigo Roa Duterte?

Below is a sample of an electric bill for the month of May 2016. Notice that the homeowner consumes 209 KW for the billing period.


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