Lone Bicolano Casualty in Zamboanga Stand-off Flown Home

Newsdig coverage by Cbanga360.net

Lone Bicolano Casualty in Zamboanga Stand-off Flown Home. The fall out from the Zamboanga hostilities that pitted a group of Moro National Liberation front fighters against government military personnel became more real and touching to the family of one Bicolano soldier.

To the family of Corporal Jesi Chris Reyeg, 33, that conflict brought home the shocking reality. The body of the young soldier came home alright, but borne direct from the raging battlefields of Zamboanga city by a special flight of C-130 Air Force plane.

A hero’s welcome was assembled at the Legazpi airport upon the arrival of the soldier’s remains. A composite team of Army, Navy, Air Force and a contingent from the Philippine National Police honored the slain locale with military honors befitting a fallen soldier. The ceremonies was held at the Tactical Operations Group site at the airport.

Corporal Reyeg was a member of the Light Reaction Company under the Army Special Operations Command in Fort Magsaysay.

Reyeg’s remains was escorted back home to Barangay Ilaor Norte of Oas, Albay. (from PNA report)

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