Legislator Says 45 Persons Are Afflicted with AIDS in Albay Province

It is still a long wait for the next event, but just re-using the image from previous article for this Newsdig about AIDS in Albay province.

Now this information has to be substantiated with proofs. But there are 45 persons afflicted with AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) in Albay province, according to a provincial official, as reported by PNA-Bicol.

Provincial Board Member Herbert Borja, also co-chairperson of the Albay Aids Council, disclosed the information even as he added that “… Bicol is one of the seven AIDS-infected regions in the Philippines.”

The council recently held a workshop on “Revitalizing the Youth on Health and Nutrition” at Casa Basilisa Resort in Guinobatan town.

The workshop also aims to increase awareness on health and nutrition among the youth, determine their level of knowledge on HIV/AIDS, and identify issues and concerns of young people on health services. Students from various universities and colleges in Albay were present in the workshop.

Don Bailon, from Albay AIDS Council, discussed the Philippine AIDS Law or Republic Act No. 8505, whose goal is to strengthen the Philippine National AIDS Council and promulgate policies and prescribes measures.

In February 13, 1998, Republic Act No. 8504 established the HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998. (From PNA report by Cherry N. Acabado)

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