Mt. Mayon on Tight Watch for Eruption

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Last Wednesday (11 November 2009), about 1:50 A.M. Mt. Mayon had a minor explosion lasting for about three minutes which brought ash fall on the towns surrounding the volcano. According to the Philippine Institue of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS), the explosion was a sign of magma (rising) intrusion toward the summit of the volcano’s crater.

A second eruption occurred again about seven in the morning of the same day. Ashes emitted reached an estimated height of three hundred meters from the crater. Due to the current northeast monsoon, the ashes from the first and second explosion were blown towards the city of Ligao, and the towns of Oas, Polangui, Camalig and Guinobatan, at the southwest and northwest of the mountain. Nearby residents related they heared rumbling sounds emanating from the volcano.

The authorities have raised Alert Level 2, which means a state of increasing unrest of magmatic origin which may eventually lead to an eruption. In a pro-active move, Albay governor Joey Salceda exhorted officials of the Albay Public Safety and Emergency Management Office to enforce the six-kilometer radius permanent danger zone and the seven kilometer extended danger zone. around the volcano. A massive evacuation plan has been placed on standby status by the provincial government.

Mayon has coughed-out ashes on several occasions last September and October, this year. The last time the volcano made a violent eruption was in 2006. It spewed magma, lava, ashes, and volcanic rocks. With its towering height of 8,077 feet (2,462 meters), the almost perfect-coned volcano is the main tourist attraction of the province and the regions’ natural wonder. More about Mt. Mayon on this link.

Bulkan Mayon Binabantayan Baka Magtuga
Kan Miyerkules (11 de Noviembre, ining taon) mga 1:50 nin maagahon, an bulkan Mayon nag tuga nin abo sa laog nin mas o menus sa tolong minuto na ipinadpad sa mga banwaan na nakapilbot digde. Segun sa PHIVOCS, an pagtuga senyal na an magma pasakat na sa bunganga kan bulkan.

An ikaduwang pagtuga nangyari alas siyete nin aga kan parehong aldaw. An abong isinuka uminabot sa langkaw na tres siyentos metros hale sa ngimot kan bulkan. An mga abo ipinadpad kan doros sa ciudad kan Ligao,kaiba an mga banwaan kan Oas, Polangui, Camalig asin Guinabatan. An mga residentes na harani nagtaram na nakakadangog sinda nin pagribok gikan sa bukid.

An mga autoridad itinaas an patanid sa Alert Level 2, nangangahulugan na padagdag an pagkalakaga kan magma na posibleng magresulta sa pagtuga. Si governor Salceda pinagiromdom an mga opisyal sa oficina kan Albay Public Safety and Emergency Management na ipasunod an anum na kilometrong permanenteng zona na delikado sa palibot kan bukid asin an kadagdagan na pitong kilometro pa sa ibaba kaini.

An huring pagbuga nin abo kan bulkan nangyari nagkaperang beses kan bulan nin Septiembre asim Oktubre ngonian na taon. Huring nagtuga an bulkan kan taon 2006. Sa langkaw na 8,077 piyes (2,462 metro), an mala-perfectong imbudong baliktad na vulcan an pinakacentro nin turismo kan provincia asin rona nin Bicol.

Thanks to Sky Watch Team of Klaus, Sandy, Ivar, Wren, Fishing Guy, Louise and Sylvia. See more skies on this link.   Skywatch Friday

58 thoughts on “Mt. Mayon on Tight Watch for Eruption”

  1. Great shots….someone forgot to turn off the burner under that mountain…hope you stay safe and untouched by ashes.


  2. beautiful but dangerous. i traveled to Legazpi a few year ago to witness one of the eruptions. it was simply magnificent—scary but an exciting experience.

  3. It will be a sad thing if Mayon Volcano will ultimately lost its perfect cone. But it’s good to hear that the government will not place people’s lives at risk like what most government in the country does to its constituent.

    Thanks for the info and I enlisted in your Facebook.

    I know some Paduas and Gomez in Guinobatan.

  4. It’s still a beautiful photo for SWF, but I really pray that Mayon doesn’t erupt again. We’ve had too many disasters already. 🙁

  5. The smoking volcano looks scary, and it certainly must be frightening to those who live nearby. I hope you and your family are a safe distance away.

  6. A beautiful mountain but very suspenseful and frightening feeling. Please take care. I pray that it doesn’t errupt.

  7. It is a Natural Wonder, Japa – your post is very informative. Hope that it will remain a beautiful sight and not cause any devastation.

  8. That’s a lovely shot, Japa. But I do hope these rumblings will not go on to result in an eruption. You have all had so much to deal with over the past months. You are in my thoughts.

  9. A fantastic photo! Hope this volcano quietens itself soon. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have enjoyed my visit here.

  10. Powerful beauty and danger in this perfect volcano. Living in its shadow must be very troubling at times like this. Take care.

  11. This sounds exciting and dangerous at the same time. I’ll be listening to the news to find out what happens next!

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