VP Robredo denies knowledge, involvement in oust Duterte effort

vice President of the Philippines Leni Robredo. cropped image H/T - facebook page of the office of VP.
vice President of the Philippines Leni Robredo. cropped image H/T – facebook page of the office of vP.

Vice-President Leni Robredo denies awareness and involvement in any effort to oust President Duterte.

On Friday, the website www.lenirobredo.com posted a statement from the vice-president herself:

30 December 2016

I am not aware of, much less am I involved in, any effort to “oust” the President.

Furthermore, I categorically deny joining rallies that called for the President’s ouster.

Criticism is not conspiracy, and the administration is well advised to stop seeing “plots” behind every unflattering news report, irate citizens’ assembly, or angry Facebook post.

The President and I both took an oath to uphold the Constitution and I take this very seriously.

It is the right of every citizen in our democracy to express her opinion, and this includes those critical of or in opposition to an incumbent government. This principle is a cornerstone of our free Republic.

To my understanding, many criticisms of the President have come about as a reaction to his own actions and statements – the Marcos burial at Libingan ng mga Bayani, the ongoing extrajudicial killings, the proposed restoration of the death penalty, and the retreat from our West Philippine Sea claims, among others.

On Thursday President Duterte promised to give his coup plotters a good fight, including former United States ambassador to the Philippines Philip Goldberg whom he accused of undermining government.

“You may be able to oust me but I will give you a good fight, I’ll give you a bloody nose,” President Duterte said in two separate one-on-one interviews with CNN Philippines and ABS-CBN News Channel.

Last Tuesday, Manila-based newspaper Manila Times reported that Goldberg has allegedly left a “blueprint” or a recommendation to the US State Department to remove President Duterte from Malacanang.


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