
Current Human Events & Stories

Watch: Penafrancia Traslacion Procession 2024

Watch here the 2024 Traslacion Procession of the venerated images of the Virgin of Penafrancia and the El Divino Rostro. But first, below, is the coverage of the first procession of the early morning. The Transfer of Ina to the Old Shrine and celebration of the Feast of the Divino […]

The Full Trivia on Peñafrancia, and Then Some

The sixth choice cut feature about the Catholic image of Peñafrancia and surrounding stories, myths and secrets gets online on the 29th of August 2024, via our Youtube channel. This choice cut presentation, culled from the long form narrative which included the September 1972 fluvial disaster had been in the […]

LIVESTREAM Penafrancia Fluvial Procession 2019

The culmination of the celebration of the Penafrancia festivities unfolds this afternoon with the mass outside, at the Quadricentennial arch, of the Naga Metropolitan Cathedral. Watch the last mass before the foot procession starts winding through the streets of Naga city bringing the images of the Virgin of Penafrancia and […]

THROWBACK: Peñafrancia foot and fluvial procession of 2018

In our continuing coverage of the religious celebration (festivities and feastivities) happening now in Naga city, we repost the previous year’s drone coverage of the Saturday foot and fluvial procession and the concelebrated mass closing the event. The inflock of Catholic devotees to the Marian devotion exemplified thru the regional […]

FLASHBACK: The Peñafrancia Traslacion of 2019

The undying devotion of Bicolanos to the Blessed Virgin Mary is replicated every year with the religious celebration and observance of Peñafrancia feastivities and festivities. This is a quick throwback of the Peñafrancia Traslacion of September 13, 2019. The event ushered the second leg of official observance of the Bicolano […]

PEñAFRANCIA: Message of Caceres Archbishop Tirona

It’s almost the Peñafrancia Fiesta and Feastivities again. The devotion to the Our Lady of Peñnafrancia and the Divino Rostro will outpour in the city streets and the Naga river. From the Archdiocese of Caceres, here’s the message of Archbishop Rolando J. Tria Tirona OCD, DD, for this year’s celebration […]

Watch Walking Tour of La Porteria Parish Church

This should be the first walking tour for inmotion channel, I mean, a walking exploration. So here I was at the churchyard of the main Catholic church in my hometown which is the Parish church of Our Lady of La Porteria. Welcome to inMotion. And many thanks and appreciate for […]

The full coverage Peñafrancia 2016 Fluvial Procession in Naga City

The Peñafrancia festivities celebration continues with the masses at the Naga Metropolitan Cathedral, then the street procession at about 3 PM towards Danlugan (Dalhugan) where the images will sail thru the Naga river back to the Penafrancia Basila Minore. Another mass will be celebrated right after the arrival of the […]

Full coverage Peñafrancia 2016 Friday military parade in Naga City

The Peñafrancia festivities celebration continues with the civic parade and float competition. The Peñafrancia festivities celebration continues with the military parade and competition. The street parade is still part of the continuing tradition during the celebration of the Peñafrancia feastivities and festivities which ends on Saturday, after the street and […]

Voyadores Festival 2016 competition in Naga City

The Peñafrancia 2016 festivities celebration continues with the voyadores festival competition. The street dance parade is still part of the continuing tradition during the celebration of the Peñafrancia feastivities and festivities which ends on Saturday, after the street and fluvial procession. Alternative coverage, if available streamed live by local TV […]

Full coverage of the civic parade and float competition in Naga City

The Peñafrancia festivities celebration continues with the civic parade and float competition. The street parade is still part of the continuing tradition during the celebration of the Peñafrancia feastivities and festivities which ends on Saturday, after the street and fluvial procession. Alternative coverage, if available streamed live by local TV […]

Second Bicol cheer and dance competition

Watch the 2nd Bicol regional cheer and dance competition at the Jesse M. Robredo Coliseum at 3:00 o’clock P. M., Sept., 22, 2014. Bicol youth display skill and mastery in cheer and dance and compete for the honor and recognition as the top among the batch. Live stream link removed. […]

Watch: Penafrancia festivities culminate in fluvial procession

We have covered the Traslacion and the street and Fluvial procession of the venerated images of the Virgin of Penafrancia and the Dvino Rostro for so many times, either live blogging, video live stream courtesy of local TV channels, photos and images thru our Tony Abalayan’s lenses, if you would […]

Are we watching the Peñafrancia military parade?

The colorful military parade should begin to unfold in the morning, today, on the main streets of the city of Naga and each contingent show the best right at the front of the “review stand” of Plaza Quezon. A lucky day would mean our favorite local TV station will broadcast […]

Watch regional competition: Band, majorettes and fancy drill

As the Peñafrancia regional feast and festivities ushers in, watch here the regional competition of school bands, majorettes and military units fancy drill as they vie for ranking, honor and prestige of being on the top. Starts September 13, 2014, at 7:00 AM Bicol standard time. Peñafrancia regional competition of […]

Peñafrancia Traslacion 2014 Live stream coverage

Peñafrancia Traslacion 2014 Live stream coverage Cbanga360.net – The Bicol Street Journal brings a live streaming coverage of the Peñafrancia Traslacion 2014 unfolding in the streets of Naga city. Watching live streaming feeds crisp, clarity and response will depend on internet connection speed. this event has already transpired. Live stream […]

Film festival ushers the start of Peñafrancia festivities

NAGA CITY — Other than the regular religious sights and sounds during the conduct and observation of the forthcoming Peñafrancia festivities, devotees and enthusiasts can look forward to an added attraction now on its second year. The Caceres Commission on Communications has confirmed the five finalists of the 2nd Peñafrancia […]

12 Million to join people swarm on Black Nazarene feast

Idolatry, fanaticism, religious devotion. Refer to it in any way, but the number of individuals that will be joining the people swarm during the Feast of Blazk Nazarene procession on Thursday, January 9, is estimated to border the 12 million count. Manila mayor Joseph Ejercito Estrada ordered on Wednesday the […]

Peñafrancia Traslacion 2013 Live streaming Coverage

Cbanga360.net – The Bicol Steet Journal brings a live streaming coverage of the Peñafrancia Traslacion 2013 unfolding in the streets of Naga city, thru the courtesy and good hearts of the management and staff of a regional, true local Bicol television network. Also in multi-cast with The Bulletin Today – […]

Peñafrancia Festivities 2013 Unfurls with the Traditional Traslacion

Peñafrancia Festivities 2013 Unfurls with the Traditional Traslacion on Friday. Below is a schedule of activities of the events in the continuing observation of the celebration of Bicolano’s faith to Ina, the Patroness of Bicol. September 12 / Thursday – DAY FOR THE GOVERNMENT LEADERS AND WORKERS Theme: The Divine […]

10-Day Bishop Francisco Gainza Trade Fair Opens September 12

The 10-day Bishop Francisco Gainza Trade Fair opens September 12, 2013 in Naga city. It will definitely place on spotlight marine wealth of Bicol. It will be housed a few meters from the Naga Metropolitan Cathedral. This time, the focus of the multi-sectoral event is the wealth of Bicol peninsula’s […]

Calabanga Marks 20th Year in Passion Play Production

Calabanga — This lenten tourist town will mark its 20th year of presenting to locals, afficionados and devotees the annual street tableau of “An Pasyon ni Kristo” during the Semana Santa (Holy Week) festivities. The street play is spearheaded by the Calabanga Network for Talent and Arts Development and Advocacy […]

Peñafrancia Fluvial 2012 Live Blogging

Naga city, September 15, 2012.–For the third consecutive years, Cbanga360/Bicol Street Journal will cover the Peñafrancia Fluvial Procession via live blogging as our infotechcomm gadgets permit. So keep refreshing the page as we update and post the live events on this page. 3:00 am: A Penitential Procession of INA & […]

Devotion to Peñafrancia is a Barometer of Bicolano’s Catholic Faith

There is no doubt about it, the Peñafrancia festivities is the acknowledged “Queen” of all in the Bicol region. The religious tableau commences with the Traslacion, the processional transfer of the images of the Virgin Mary with the Child Jesus and the Divino Rostro from the Basilica Minore in barangay […]

Bishop Gainza Trade Fair Opens September 6 in Naga City

The 3rd Bishop Gainza trade fair opens tomorrow, September 6, in Naga city. According to organizers, the event will offer new twists which include locating the venue at downtown Naga, a few meters from the Metropolitan Cathedral. The site will attract thousands of foot traffic counting on the flock of […]

9/16/1972 Live Blogging at the Colgante Bridge

Saturday, September 16, 1972. As the “vancuerna” of the images of the Virgin of Peñafrancia and the Divino Rostro passed under the bridge, the people became more excited and jostled for a good view. Some were praying the rosary, many were chanting “Viva La Virgen!!!” and “Viva El Divino Rostro!!”

Peñafrancia Festival in Retrospect

“All’s well that ends well,” a popular saying that is often quoted by many and here we are, doing the same, for we just can not leave behind the immediately past regional event last week without this concluding piece. The Penafrancia tercentenary, religious festivities, celebration and fiesta all rolled into nine days in the Bicol region which centered its focal events in the city of Naga eclipsed the previous and many years of observance.

Winners of 2010 Peñafrancia Regional Civic Parade

Here’s the results of the civic parade competition during the Peñafrancia regional parade held in Naga city last week. All photos here are from the vantage point near or about the parade review stage at the Plaza Quezon.

Winners of 2010 Peñafrancia Regional Military Parade

Here’s the results of the military parade competition during the Peñafrancia festivities regional parade held in Naga city last week. Photo here is the winning form of the corp of cadets of the CBSUA-Calabanga.

Peñafrancia Fluvial and the Pagoda

We focus our attention on the volunteer devotees, the people that paddles manually the boats all stringed together pulling the “vancuerna” or “pagoda” or the barge that carries about one hundred fifty people including the images of the Virgin of Peñafrancia and the Divino Rostro.

Peñafrancia Fluvial on the Naga River

Some 300 military personnel helped in cleaning the river due to unwanted debris and garbage before the actual fluvial procession. The residents and the city government of Naga should take not only one look but also envision a program on how to keep the river clean and alive again before is too late.

How People Watched the Peñafrancia Fluvial Event

This is part two of the photo recap of the Penafrancia fluvial procession last Saturday. This is a photo-study of how people waited for the procession and the fluvial event in back yards, alleys, and every available space one can occupy to gaze at the passing venerated images of the Divino Rostro and the Virgin of Peñafrancia.

Peñafrancia Fluvial Photo Recap

This is part one of the photo recap of the Penafrancia fluvial procession last Saturday. If only to give us an idea of how people celebrated, witnessed and participated in their own ways the tercentenary celebration of the devotion to the Virgin of Peñafrancia.

Peñafrancia Fluvial Unfolds this Afternoon

It’s all systems go for the Penafrancia fluvial and procession this afternoon. The event rolls on at 2:30 P.M. with the recitation of the novena at the cathedral. Tentative schedule here- Procession starts at 3:00 P.M. At 4:00 P.M. arrival at the embarcation point- the place where the images are destined to be transferred to the barge. It will happen at the foot of the Tabuco bridge.

Devotees Await Peñafrancia Fluvial Procession

The official opening of tercentenary celebration of the devotion to Our Lady of Peñafrancia winds down this Saturday with the traditional fluvial procession. It is the combined procession and river boat ride of the images from the Metropolitan Cathedral back to the Basilica Minore by way of the Naga river.

Voyadores Adds Color to Peñafrancia Tercentenary

The thirteenth edition of the colorful and now popular “Voyadores festival” was held yesterday at the parochial grounds of Naga Metropolitan Cathedral. The show of colors and body movements through street dancing was focused on the alternative expression of piety and devotion to Our Lady of Peñafrancia (Ina) through music and vibrant dancing.

Traslacion Over, Mass Held Outside Cathedral

Earlier, at noon, the procession started out from the Plaza de Padre Miguel de Covarrubias (the Peñafrancia shrine patio). It was dampened with a downpour that actually cooled the air. The throng of people that heared the mass, the crowd waiting outside the church and the sideways of the Peñafrancia avenue where the procession passed got some relief from the previously prevailing sweltering afternoon heat.

Traslacion Kicks Off Peñafrancia Festivities

This afternoon, the official festivities on the celebration of the tercentenary of Peñafrancia in the region kicks off at the Basilica Minore in barangay Balatas of Naga city. The revered images of Our Lady of Peñafrancia and the Divino Rostro will be transported via a long and winding procession on the city streets after the traditional high mass at the home church of the images.

Caceres Archdiocese Unveils Porta Mariae

The Archdiocese of Caceres unveils today the Porta Mariae, a commemorative arch of the tercentenary or 300th celebration of the devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary in front of the Metropolitan Cathedral in Naga city.

All Roads Lead to Bicol

A few days from now, on September 10, the region begins the celebration of 300 years of devotion, the Tercentenary of the Virgin of, and Our Lady of Peñafrancia.

What's Recommended

Traslacion Kicks Off Peñafrancia Festivities

This afternoon, the official festivities on the celebration of the tercentenary of Peñafrancia in the region kicks off at the Basilica Minore in barangay Balatas of Naga city. The revered images of Our Lady of Peñafrancia and the Divino Rostro will be transported via a long and winding procession on the city streets after the traditional high mass at the home church of the images.

Bishop Gainza Trade Fair Opens September 6 in Naga City

The 3rd Bishop Gainza trade fair opens tomorrow, September 6, in Naga city. According to organizers, the event will offer new twists which include locating the venue at downtown Naga, a few meters from the Metropolitan Cathedral. The site will attract thousands of foot traffic counting on the flock of […]

10-Day Bishop Francisco Gainza Trade Fair Opens September 12

The 10-day Bishop Francisco Gainza Trade Fair opens September 12, 2013 in Naga city. It will definitely place on spotlight marine wealth of Bicol. It will be housed a few meters from the Naga Metropolitan Cathedral. This time, the focus of the multi-sectoral event is the wealth of Bicol peninsula’s […]

Peñafrancia Festivities 2013 Unfurls with the Traditional Traslacion

Peñafrancia Festivities 2013 Unfurls with the Traditional Traslacion on Friday. Below is a schedule of activities of the events in the continuing observation of the celebration of Bicolano’s faith to Ina, the Patroness of Bicol. September 12 / Thursday – DAY FOR THE GOVERNMENT LEADERS AND WORKERS Theme: The Divine […]

Calabanga Marks 20th Year in Passion Play Production

Calabanga — This lenten tourist town will mark its 20th year of presenting to locals, afficionados and devotees the annual street tableau of “An Pasyon ni Kristo” during the Semana Santa (Holy Week) festivities. The street play is spearheaded by the Calabanga Network for Talent and Arts Development and Advocacy […]

Peñafrancia Traslacion 2013 Live streaming Coverage

Cbanga360.net – The Bicol Steet Journal brings a live streaming coverage of the Peñafrancia Traslacion 2013 unfolding in the streets of Naga city, thru the courtesy and good hearts of the management and staff of a regional, true local Bicol television network. Also in multi-cast with The Bulletin Today – […]

FLASHBACK: The Peñafrancia Traslacion of 2019

The undying devotion of Bicolanos to the Blessed Virgin Mary is replicated every year with the religious celebration and observance of Peñafrancia feastivities and festivities. This is a quick throwback of the Peñafrancia Traslacion of September 13, 2019. The event ushered the second leg of official observance of the Bicolano […]

THROWBACK: Peñafrancia foot and fluvial procession of 2018

In our continuing coverage of the religious celebration (festivities and feastivities) happening now in Naga city, we repost the previous year’s drone coverage of the Saturday foot and fluvial procession and the concelebrated mass closing the event. The inflock of Catholic devotees to the Marian devotion exemplified thru the regional […]

Are we watching the Peñafrancia military parade?

The colorful military parade should begin to unfold in the morning, today, on the main streets of the city of Naga and each contingent show the best right at the front of the “review stand” of Plaza Quezon. A lucky day would mean our favorite local TV station will broadcast […]

Peñafrancia Fluvial and the Pagoda

We focus our attention on the volunteer devotees, the people that paddles manually the boats all stringed together pulling the “vancuerna” or “pagoda” or the barge that carries about one hundred fifty people including the images of the Virgin of Peñafrancia and the Divino Rostro.

Watch: Penafrancia festivities culminate in fluvial procession

We have covered the Traslacion and the street and Fluvial procession of the venerated images of the Virgin of Penafrancia and the Dvino Rostro for so many times, either live blogging, video live stream courtesy of local TV channels, photos and images thru our Tony Abalayan’s lenses, if you would […]

Traslacion Over, Mass Held Outside Cathedral

Earlier, at noon, the procession started out from the Plaza de Padre Miguel de Covarrubias (the Peñafrancia shrine patio). It was dampened with a downpour that actually cooled the air. The throng of people that heared the mass, the crowd waiting outside the church and the sideways of the Peñafrancia avenue where the procession passed got some relief from the previously prevailing sweltering afternoon heat.

Caceres Archdiocese Unveils Porta Mariae

The Archdiocese of Caceres unveils today the Porta Mariae, a commemorative arch of the tercentenary or 300th celebration of the devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary in front of the Metropolitan Cathedral in Naga city.

What's Throwback

Film festival ushers the start of Peñafrancia festivities

NAGA CITY — Other than the regular religious sights and sounds during the conduct and observation of the forthcoming Peñafrancia festivities, devotees and enthusiasts can look forward to an added attraction now on its second year. The Caceres Commission on Communications has confirmed the five finalists of the 2nd Peñafrancia […]

How People Watched the Peñafrancia Fluvial Event

This is part two of the photo recap of the Penafrancia fluvial procession last Saturday. This is a photo-study of how people waited for the procession and the fluvial event in back yards, alleys, and every available space one can occupy to gaze at the passing venerated images of the Divino Rostro and the Virgin of Peñafrancia.

Full coverage Peñafrancia 2016 Friday military parade in Naga City

The Peñafrancia festivities celebration continues with the civic parade and float competition. The Peñafrancia festivities celebration continues with the military parade and competition. The street parade is still part of the continuing tradition during the celebration of the Peñafrancia feastivities and festivities which ends on Saturday, after the street and […]

The Full Trivia on Peñafrancia, and Then Some

The sixth choice cut feature about the Catholic image of Peñafrancia and surrounding stories, myths and secrets gets online on the 29th of August 2024, via our Youtube channel. This choice cut presentation, culled from the long form narrative which included the September 1972 fluvial disaster had been in the […]

Peñafrancia Fluvial on the Naga River

Some 300 military personnel helped in cleaning the river due to unwanted debris and garbage before the actual fluvial procession. The residents and the city government of Naga should take not only one look but also envision a program on how to keep the river clean and alive again before is too late.

Voyadores Festival 2016 competition in Naga City

The Peñafrancia 2016 festivities celebration continues with the voyadores festival competition. The street dance parade is still part of the continuing tradition during the celebration of the Peñafrancia feastivities and festivities which ends on Saturday, after the street and fluvial procession. Alternative coverage, if available streamed live by local TV […]