Green Climate Fund headhunts for management experts


LEGAZPI CITY, Dec. 4 — The Green Climate Fund will be operational this January with the assumption of duties by the start-up secretariat within a few days. The Fund has headquarters in Incheon, South Korea.

On Saturday, GCF co-chair and Albay Governor Joey Sarte Salceda said the first batch of 20 management and expert positions has been published.

With an executive search firm’s support, Salceda said, the GCF is hiring the best and brightest professionals and encouraging them to apply.

Established by the conference of the parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in December 2011, the Fund is intended to help developing countries adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Salceda said the 24-member GCF board that he co-chairs oversees the operation of the Fund, which has pledges of US$ 100 billion by 2020, and approves the funding of projects in line with the Fund’s principles, criteria, modalities, policies and programs.

“We have been making continuing efforts in achieving an initial capitalization and starting to engage with the developing countries to support them in a successful shift towards low-emission and climate-resilient development pathways,” the climate change expert said.

Salceda stressed that he aims to make the Fund work for developing countries, including small islands, developing states, least developed countries, Africa and highly vulnerable communities in countries like the Philippines, Indonesia and Bangladesh.

Salceda said the GCF’s sixth board meeting will be on Feb. 19-21 in Bali, Indonesia, the seventh on May 19-21 and the eighth on Oct. 22-24 – all this year. (PNA story by Floreño G. Solmirano)

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