
Current Human Events & Stories

Duterte cusses British reporter when asked on drug-related killings

A reporter from British television Channel 4 just had the foul taste of Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte’s favorite cuss words during the press briefing early Thursday morning. During the question and answer portion of the media briefing in Davao City, Asia correspondent reporter for Channel 4 Jonathan Miller questioned Duterte […]

#ABSCBNUNETHICAL is trending in social media now!

Who is the person, group of persons, civic organization, religious organization? behind, pushing this trending tweet, that so many have joined, and are joining the bandwagon? [five_sixth_last] While we were almost inclined to repost some of the tweets, it is better to leave them at that. It is because it […]

Murder of Masbate tabloid publisher-editor, 173rd in PH

MASBATE CITY , March 1 — A local tabloid publisher and editor in Masbate province was murdered Saturday. Ariel Verano Lerit, the publisher-editor of the tabloid Masbate Times was stabbed to death while inside a KTB bar in this city with fellow media personnel Bobby Bornillo. The unfortunate incident happened […]

What's Recommended

#ABSCBNUNETHICAL is trending in social media now!

Who is the person, group of persons, civic organization, religious organization? behind, pushing this trending tweet, that so many have joined, and are joining the bandwagon? [five_sixth_last] While we were almost inclined to repost some of the tweets, it is better to leave them at that. It is because it […]

Murder of Masbate tabloid publisher-editor, 173rd in PH

MASBATE CITY , March 1 — A local tabloid publisher and editor in Masbate province was murdered Saturday. Ariel Verano Lerit, the publisher-editor of the tabloid Masbate Times was stabbed to death while inside a KTB bar in this city with fellow media personnel Bobby Bornillo. The unfortunate incident happened […]

Duterte cusses British reporter when asked on drug-related killings

A reporter from British television Channel 4 just had the foul taste of Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte’s favorite cuss words during the press briefing early Thursday morning. During the question and answer portion of the media briefing in Davao City, Asia correspondent reporter for Channel 4 Jonathan Miller questioned Duterte […]

What's Throwback

Murder of Masbate tabloid publisher-editor, 173rd in PH

MASBATE CITY , March 1 — A local tabloid publisher and editor in Masbate province was murdered Saturday. Ariel Verano Lerit, the publisher-editor of the tabloid Masbate Times was stabbed to death while inside a KTB bar in this city with fellow media personnel Bobby Bornillo. The unfortunate incident happened […]

#ABSCBNUNETHICAL is trending in social media now!

Who is the person, group of persons, civic organization, religious organization? behind, pushing this trending tweet, that so many have joined, and are joining the bandwagon? [five_sixth_last] While we were almost inclined to repost some of the tweets, it is better to leave them at that. It is because it […]

Duterte cusses British reporter when asked on drug-related killings

A reporter from British television Channel 4 just had the foul taste of Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte’s favorite cuss words during the press briefing early Thursday morning. During the question and answer portion of the media briefing in Davao City, Asia correspondent reporter for Channel 4 Jonathan Miller questioned Duterte […]