
Current Human Events & Stories

This is why Time Person of the Year get mix reaction

Time magazine’s 2018 acknowledged person(s) of the year (POY) received mixed reaction from netizens. Before the end of year, the US-based news magazine picks a POY of their choice who has done the most to influence the events of the year. This 2018, it came out with not one, but […]

Murder of Masbate tabloid publisher-editor, 173rd in PH

MASBATE CITY , March 1 — A local tabloid publisher and editor in Masbate province was murdered Saturday. Ariel Verano Lerit, the publisher-editor of the tabloid Masbate Times was stabbed to death while inside a KTB bar in this city with fellow media personnel Bobby Bornillo. The unfortunate incident happened […]

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This is why Time Person of the Year get mix reaction

Time magazine’s 2018 acknowledged person(s) of the year (POY) received mixed reaction from netizens. Before the end of year, the US-based news magazine picks a POY of their choice who has done the most to influence the events of the year. This 2018, it came out with not one, but […]

Murder of Masbate tabloid publisher-editor, 173rd in PH

MASBATE CITY , March 1 — A local tabloid publisher and editor in Masbate province was murdered Saturday. Ariel Verano Lerit, the publisher-editor of the tabloid Masbate Times was stabbed to death while inside a KTB bar in this city with fellow media personnel Bobby Bornillo. The unfortunate incident happened […]

What's Throwback

Murder of Masbate tabloid publisher-editor, 173rd in PH

MASBATE CITY , March 1 — A local tabloid publisher and editor in Masbate province was murdered Saturday. Ariel Verano Lerit, the publisher-editor of the tabloid Masbate Times was stabbed to death while inside a KTB bar in this city with fellow media personnel Bobby Bornillo. The unfortunate incident happened […]

This is why Time Person of the Year get mix reaction

Time magazine’s 2018 acknowledged person(s) of the year (POY) received mixed reaction from netizens. Before the end of year, the US-based news magazine picks a POY of their choice who has done the most to influence the events of the year. This 2018, it came out with not one, but […]