
Current Human Events & Stories

What is love? / Ano an pagkamoot by Eden A. Avila

What is love? / Ano an pagkamoot by Eden A. Avila What is love?… A beautiful stirring of the young heart, a sudden glance, a smile, a gentle touch. The fast beating of the heart, the quickening of one’s gait to see one’s beloved. It’s the silence shared, forgetting the […]

Is DepEd’s National Achievement Test still relevant or passé?

On March 12, Thursday, pupils belonging to the test groups covered by the National Achievement Test (NAT) program become the focus of a government exercise on education. Much of the whole school year, teachers in the Grade Six level have been preparing for the NAT. It would seem we are […]

A Retrospect of Summer Reading Scilympics Camp in Tanza Elementary School

Tanza, Navotas, MM, June 3, 2013- Students and teachers will be back to school today for another “bout” of school year with more positive prospects. But let me share these retrospective of an educational fun activity we have done this past summer vacation. Looking back, while many of the public […]

Poetry is a Part of Literature That is Now Going Passe?

Poetry is a part of literature that is now going passe. Gone were the days when poetry reading was once a part of grand occasions looking back into our Hispanic heritage. It is even getting less and less popular among students what with their current interest. Something understandable, as technology […]

My First 200 Days in the Public School System

Last March 21 was our school’s Commencement Exercises. It also wrapped-up my first 200 days in the public school. Just like any other things we get involved with, the first teaching experience is always novel. I had my very first year ever as mentor in the public school way back […]

Focus on Qualities of A Good Teacher

One week after the grand school opening hereabout, we expect students and teachers will have started slowly settling into their comfort zones. I should know. I am a classroom teacher for more than two decades in different private schools in Legazpi city and Rizal province. At one time and for […]

Fiesta Days Are Here Again in Calabanga

“Oh, Calabanga, gem of the province, We will stand with pride and dignity, We will watch your fragile beauty, With much love and care . . . ” The song goes on a never ending refrain as it brings in a hundred and one memories; some happy and some sad. […]

CBSUA: A University in Metamorphosis

The conversion of CSSAC into CBSUA has made a tremendous grandeur for my Alma Matter, a far cry from what I had known during the CSAC days. The new University is expected to provide technological science including education, arts, and science.

Semana Santa- A Yearly Exodus for a Calabangueño

Semana santa is a tradition deeply rooted in the heart of every Calabangueño. The holy event is ever so old and yet always new. The Calabangueño reflects in solitude, in sanctity and in seclusion. Deep in his heart finds joy and anticipation of the filial, friendly and Godly devotion renewed and refreshed by the holy week celebration. Thus, it tugs him to go on a yearly exodus he just wouldn’t want to miss.

What's Recommended

Poetry is a Part of Literature That is Now Going Passe?

Poetry is a part of literature that is now going passe. Gone were the days when poetry reading was once a part of grand occasions looking back into our Hispanic heritage. It is even getting less and less popular among students what with their current interest. Something understandable, as technology […]

My First 200 Days in the Public School System

Last March 21 was our school’s Commencement Exercises. It also wrapped-up my first 200 days in the public school. Just like any other things we get involved with, the first teaching experience is always novel. I had my very first year ever as mentor in the public school way back […]

Focus on Qualities of A Good Teacher

One week after the grand school opening hereabout, we expect students and teachers will have started slowly settling into their comfort zones. I should know. I am a classroom teacher for more than two decades in different private schools in Legazpi city and Rizal province. At one time and for […]

Fiesta Days Are Here Again in Calabanga

“Oh, Calabanga, gem of the province, We will stand with pride and dignity, We will watch your fragile beauty, With much love and care . . . ” The song goes on a never ending refrain as it brings in a hundred and one memories; some happy and some sad. […]

Is DepEd’s National Achievement Test still relevant or passé?

On March 12, Thursday, pupils belonging to the test groups covered by the National Achievement Test (NAT) program become the focus of a government exercise on education. Much of the whole school year, teachers in the Grade Six level have been preparing for the NAT. It would seem we are […]

Semana Santa- A Yearly Exodus for a Calabangueño

Semana santa is a tradition deeply rooted in the heart of every Calabangueño. The holy event is ever so old and yet always new. The Calabangueño reflects in solitude, in sanctity and in seclusion. Deep in his heart finds joy and anticipation of the filial, friendly and Godly devotion renewed and refreshed by the holy week celebration. Thus, it tugs him to go on a yearly exodus he just wouldn’t want to miss.

CBSUA: A University in Metamorphosis

The conversion of CSSAC into CBSUA has made a tremendous grandeur for my Alma Matter, a far cry from what I had known during the CSAC days. The new University is expected to provide technological science including education, arts, and science.

A Retrospect of Summer Reading Scilympics Camp in Tanza Elementary School

Tanza, Navotas, MM, June 3, 2013- Students and teachers will be back to school today for another “bout” of school year with more positive prospects. But let me share these retrospective of an educational fun activity we have done this past summer vacation. Looking back, while many of the public […]

What is love? / Ano an pagkamoot by Eden A. Avila

What is love? / Ano an pagkamoot by Eden A. Avila What is love?… A beautiful stirring of the young heart, a sudden glance, a smile, a gentle touch. The fast beating of the heart, the quickening of one’s gait to see one’s beloved. It’s the silence shared, forgetting the […]

What's Throwback

CBSUA: A University in Metamorphosis

The conversion of CSSAC into CBSUA has made a tremendous grandeur for my Alma Matter, a far cry from what I had known during the CSAC days. The new University is expected to provide technological science including education, arts, and science.

Semana Santa- A Yearly Exodus for a Calabangueño

Semana santa is a tradition deeply rooted in the heart of every Calabangueño. The holy event is ever so old and yet always new. The Calabangueño reflects in solitude, in sanctity and in seclusion. Deep in his heart finds joy and anticipation of the filial, friendly and Godly devotion renewed and refreshed by the holy week celebration. Thus, it tugs him to go on a yearly exodus he just wouldn’t want to miss.

Fiesta Days Are Here Again in Calabanga

“Oh, Calabanga, gem of the province, We will stand with pride and dignity, We will watch your fragile beauty, With much love and care . . . ” The song goes on a never ending refrain as it brings in a hundred and one memories; some happy and some sad. […]

Focus on Qualities of A Good Teacher

One week after the grand school opening hereabout, we expect students and teachers will have started slowly settling into their comfort zones. I should know. I am a classroom teacher for more than two decades in different private schools in Legazpi city and Rizal province. At one time and for […]

My First 200 Days in the Public School System

Last March 21 was our school’s Commencement Exercises. It also wrapped-up my first 200 days in the public school. Just like any other things we get involved with, the first teaching experience is always novel. I had my very first year ever as mentor in the public school way back […]

Poetry is a Part of Literature That is Now Going Passe?

Poetry is a part of literature that is now going passe. Gone were the days when poetry reading was once a part of grand occasions looking back into our Hispanic heritage. It is even getting less and less popular among students what with their current interest. Something understandable, as technology […]

A Retrospect of Summer Reading Scilympics Camp in Tanza Elementary School

Tanza, Navotas, MM, June 3, 2013- Students and teachers will be back to school today for another “bout” of school year with more positive prospects. But let me share these retrospective of an educational fun activity we have done this past summer vacation. Looking back, while many of the public […]

Is DepEd’s National Achievement Test still relevant or passé?

On March 12, Thursday, pupils belonging to the test groups covered by the National Achievement Test (NAT) program become the focus of a government exercise on education. Much of the whole school year, teachers in the Grade Six level have been preparing for the NAT. It would seem we are […]

What is love? / Ano an pagkamoot by Eden A. Avila

What is love? / Ano an pagkamoot by Eden A. Avila What is love?… A beautiful stirring of the young heart, a sudden glance, a smile, a gentle touch. The fast beating of the heart, the quickening of one’s gait to see one’s beloved. It’s the silence shared, forgetting the […]