
Current Human Events & Stories

New Zealand court rules gov’t withheld secret documents on TPP

A New Zealand judge on Tuesday ruled Trade Minister Tim Groser had acted unlawfully in refusing to release documents regarding the controversial 12-nation Trans- Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. In a verdict issued by the High Court, Justice David Collins quashed Groser’s decision to withhold official papers requested under the country’s […]

New Zealand scientists in a study find sugary drinks can cause gout

Red meat, seafood and beer are already known to trigger high levels of uric acid that cause the arthritic ailment, but scientists at the universities of Otago and Auckland have also discovered a human gene variant that can “turn bad” when affected by sugary drinks. Sufferers of gout might soon […]

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New Zealand scientists in a study find sugary drinks can cause gout

Red meat, seafood and beer are already known to trigger high levels of uric acid that cause the arthritic ailment, but scientists at the universities of Otago and Auckland have also discovered a human gene variant that can “turn bad” when affected by sugary drinks. Sufferers of gout might soon […]

New Zealand court rules gov’t withheld secret documents on TPP

A New Zealand judge on Tuesday ruled Trade Minister Tim Groser had acted unlawfully in refusing to release documents regarding the controversial 12-nation Trans- Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. In a verdict issued by the High Court, Justice David Collins quashed Groser’s decision to withhold official papers requested under the country’s […]

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New Zealand scientists in a study find sugary drinks can cause gout

Red meat, seafood and beer are already known to trigger high levels of uric acid that cause the arthritic ailment, but scientists at the universities of Otago and Auckland have also discovered a human gene variant that can “turn bad” when affected by sugary drinks. Sufferers of gout might soon […]

New Zealand court rules gov’t withheld secret documents on TPP

A New Zealand judge on Tuesday ruled Trade Minister Tim Groser had acted unlawfully in refusing to release documents regarding the controversial 12-nation Trans- Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. In a verdict issued by the High Court, Justice David Collins quashed Groser’s decision to withhold official papers requested under the country’s […]