
Current Human Events & Stories

Classes Resume Today As PH Gears for Another Holiday

It is back to school today in all levels in public elementary and high school. The one week-long semestral break being finally over. According to the Department of Education, the semestral break which started on October 22nd up to the 25th was extended due to the nationally-declared Eid Ul-Udha holiday. […]

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Classes Resume Today As PH Gears for Another Holiday

It is back to school today in all levels in public elementary and high school. The one week-long semestral break being finally over. According to the Department of Education, the semestral break which started on October 22nd up to the 25th was extended due to the nationally-declared Eid Ul-Udha holiday. […]

What's Throwback

Classes Resume Today As PH Gears for Another Holiday

It is back to school today in all levels in public elementary and high school. The one week-long semestral break being finally over. According to the Department of Education, the semestral break which started on October 22nd up to the 25th was extended due to the nationally-declared Eid Ul-Udha holiday. […]